Πέμπτη 9 Μαΐου 2013

«Καλά στην υγεία τους» - Σημάδια ζωής από τους δύο Μητροπολίτες που είχαν απαχθεί από αντάρτες

Former President Amin Gemayel, center, meets Bishop George Saliba with a Delegation in Beirut, Wednesday, May 8, 2013. (The Daily Star/Dalati Nohra, HO)

Ο πρώην Πρόεδρος του Λίβανου (1982-88) Amin Gemayel, στο κέντρο, συνάντησε τον Μητροπολίτη Saliba με μια αντιπροσωπία στη Βηρυτό, τη Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2013
Καλά στην υγεία τους αλλά κρατούμενοι από μια ομάδα σε ένα μικρό χωριό βορειοδυτικά του Χαλεπίου, είναι οι δυο απαχθέντες επίσκοποι στη Συρία, σύμφωνα με δηλώσεις στελέχους της αντιπολίτευσης τις οποίες επικαλείται η ιστοσελίδα dailystar.com.lb.

Σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα της λιβανέζικης εφημερίδας, o αναπληρωτής πρόεδρος του Συριακού Εθνικού Συμβουλίου George Sabra δήλωσε σήμερα ότι οι δύο Επίσκοποι κρατούνται στο χωριό Bshaqtin βορειοδυτικά του Χαλεπίου από μια ομάδα ανταρτών.
Σύμφωνα με την ιστοσελίδα, το στέλεχος της αντιπολίτευσης είχε συνάντηση με Ορθόδοξους επίσκοπους στη Συρία και τους διαβεβαίωσε ότι οι επίσκοποι «είναι καλά στην υγεία τους».
Οι δυο Μητροπολίτες έχουν απαχθεί από τις 22 Απριλίου και κανείς μέχρι στιγμής δεν είχε κατορθώσει να εξασφαλίσει πληροφόρηση σχετικά με το ποιοι και γιατί τους απήγαγαν.
Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑ
Gemayel Receives from Sabra Assurances that Kidnapped Bishops are in 'Good Health'
Naharnet Newsdesk (Λίβανος)
Gemayel Receives from Sabra Assurances that Kidnapped Bishops are in 'Good Health'
Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel discussed at length on Wednesday with the head of the Syrian National Coalition George Sabra the kidnapping of the two bishops in Syria's Aleppo region, reported the National News Agency.
It said that Gemayel received assurances during the telephone call that the clerics are in good health.
Sabra revealed that they are being held by a small group in the town of Bishqatin 20 kilometers northwest of Aleppo.
Gemayel urged the Syrian official “to exert all possible pressure and carry out all possible contacts to ensure the immediate release of the bishops, who represent diversity and coexistence in Syria.”
“Their abduction is not a very comforting message to Christians in the region,” he remarked.
“Their kidnapping contradicts with the announced goals of the Syrian revolution,” he added before a delegation of Syriac clerics and officials.
Aleppo's Greek Orthodox Bishop Boulos Yaziji and Syriac Orthodox Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim were kidnapped on April 22 by armed men near Aleppo while en route from the Turkish border.
Abducted Syrian bishops in good health, held by rebels
The Daily Star (Λίβανος)
Former President Amin Gemayel, center, meets Bishop George Saliba with a Delegation in Beirut, Wednesday, May 8, 2013. (The Daily Star/Dalati Nohra, HO)
Former President Amin Gemayel, center, meets Bishop George Saliba with a Delegation in Beirut, Wednesday, May 8, 2013. (The Daily Star/Dalati Nohra, HO)
BEIRUT: Acting President of the Syrian National Council George Sabra said Wednesday that the two Greek Orthodox bishops kidnapped in Syria are being held in a small village north west of Aleppo by a rebel group.
In a telephone conversation with Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel, Sabra said that Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim were both in good health and still in the custody of a small group of rebels in the Syrian town of Bshaqtin.
“The bishops are in good health and are being held by a small group in a town called Bshaqtin, 20 kilometers north west of Aleppo,” Sabra told Gemayel who was in a meeting with Syriac Orthodox bishops at the Kataeb Party’s headquarters in Saifi, according to Gemayel’s office.
Yazigi and Ibrahim were kidnapped last month by armed men while they were on their way to Aleppo from the Turkish border.
The meeting in Saifi was attended by Mount Lebanon’s Syriac Orthodox Bishop George Saliba, Beirut Bishop Daniel Koriyeh, Syriac League President Habib Efram and the Deputy Bishop of Aleppo Joseph Shabo.
Bishop Saliba also spoke to the Syrian opposition leader over the phone and urged him to secure the release of the kidnapped bishops.
When contacted by The Daily Star contacted, Sabra declined to comment on the matter.
Speaking during the meeting in Saifi, Gemayel said that the abduction of the two bishops constitutes a bad message to the Christian communities in Syria and the region.
For his part, Saliba said that fear might overwhelm Christians in the region if the bishops are not released. “I don’t know whether the Christians would leave the region because of this or stay and react to this kidnapping in a way that we do not want,” Saliba added.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2013/May-08/216352-abducted-syrian-bishops-in-good-health-held-by-rebels.ashx#ixzz2SjSNDtzs
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

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