“Βίαζαν και βασάνιζαν παιδιά, μαχαίρωναν βρέφη, βασάνιζαν μέχρι θανάτου άνδρες και γυναίκες, τους ανάγκαζαν να πιούν τα ούρα τους… και γλεντούσαν με τον τρόμο στα πρόσωπα των θυμάτων τους. Βρέφος 18 μηνών βρέθηκε σφαγμένο με πολλαπλές μαχαιριές.”
“Τα ισλαμιστικά κτήνη πήραν τα παιδιά ως ομήρους και συνοψίζοντας τον ισλαμικό τρόπο πολέμου. Άμαχοι, παιδιά και βρέφη. Τα άφησαν να λιμοκτονήσουν, τα μαχαίρωναν, τα βασάνιζαν, τα βίαζαν. Υποχρέωναν – όπως οι ναζί στα στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης – τις μητέρες τους που παραληρούσαν και ικέτευαν, να επιλέξουν ανάμεσα στα παιδιά τους για το ποιό θα ζήσει και ποιό θα πεθάνει. Έντρομα παιδιά έφευγαν γυμνά και αιμόφυρτα από το κτίριο προσπαθώντας να ξεφύγουν. Τα πυροβολούσαν στην πλάτη”… (Ralph Peters, Mark Steyn, Debhorah Schurman)
Soros – Chechnya: Ο ευγενής χορηγός των σφαγέων, τώρα και στην Ελλάδα. Πως εκβίασε τον Πούτιν μέσω ΔΝΤ το 2000, τι θα κάνει στην Ελλάδα.
(Δείτε την συνέχεια με δική σας ευθύνη, περιέχει σκληρές εικόνες και περιγραφές)

Δεν ξεχνώ το Beslan. Δεν ξεχνώ την Σμύρνη. Δεν ξεχνώ την Κύπρο. Δεν ξεχνώ την Αρμενία. Δεν ξεχνώ τους γενοκτόνους μέχρι να ελευθερωθεί και η τελευταία γωνιά της Γης από την μισανθρωπία και τον σκοταδισμό.

«Υπάρχει ελληνική ψυχή και στη Ρωσία. Ο Γιάννης Κανίδης έφυγε σαν ήρωας και έτσι θα θέλαμε να τον θυμούνται όλοι οι Έλληνες». Αυτά ήταν τα πρώτα λόγια του ανιψιού του κ. Ισλανίδη στο ΜΠΕ μετά την τη θλιβερή είδηση του θανάτου του Γιάννη Κανίδη.

Προτίμησε να εργαστεί μέχρι την τελευταία στιγμή, αν και προ πολλού μπορούσε να απολαμβάνει την ήρεμη ζωή του συνταξιούχου. Δεν ήταν ο τρόπος ζωής που του ταίριαζε, αλλά και με το θάνατό του επέλεξε να προσδιορίσει κατά τρόπο συγκλονιστικό το περιεχόμενο της αυταπάρνησης, της αφοσίωσης της ανθρωπιάς και της υπέρτατης θυσίας. Έφυγε ήρωας με δυνατή ελληνική ψυχή. Τιμή σε όλους όσους έτυχε να γνωρίσουν έστω και κατά προσέγγιση εκπαιδευτικό τέτοιας ποιότητος.Φέτος, στις 6 Σεπτεμβρίου, στην πόλη του Μπεσλάν θα γίνουν τα εγκαίνια ενός σύγχρονου σχολείου-οικοτροφείου, αθλητικής κατεύθυνσης, που θα φέρει το όνομα του Γιάννη Κανίδη, όπως αναφέρεται στην ιστοσελίδα της περιφέρειας Πραβομπερεζνί, της Βόρειας Οσετίας.
O Γιάννη Κανίδης δεν άφησε πίσω του μεγάλα λόγια. Έκανε μια μεγάλη πράξη που περιέχει όλα τα λόγια του κόσμου.

Βeslan, Russia, Sept 2004
Πολλοί από τους συνδέσμους που ακολουθούν, δεν λειτουργούν. Δείγμα της προσπάθειας αποσιώπησης αυτού του εγκλήματος.
The Islamist animals that took children hostage at the school in Beslan, Russia, in 2004, sum up the Islamist way of war: Taking civilian hostages (including children and infants). Starving, raping and torturing them. Forcing, like Nazi guards, crying mothers to choose one child to live and one child to die. Having terrified children running naked and bleeding from the building. Shooting the escaping children in the back.Islamism is the modern Nazism and anyone who supports it is a Nazi. And anyone who opposes war against Islamism is no different morally from those that were neutral in World War Two.

“His heart did not fail him when they were torturing children”
- Rita Sidakova, mother of murdered 9 year old Alla Sidakova,
on the handsome young Islamist butcher of children, 24 year old Nur-Pashi Kulayev.
Picture credit Associated Press.
- First Chechen War, 1994-96
- Russian apartment bombings, 1999
- Second Chechen War, 1999 to 2000 (and insurgency since)
- Moscow theatre siege, 2002
- The majority of Chechens oppose the Wahhabi Islamists.
- The
Beslan massacre, 2004
- Atrocities
at Beslan (and here)
- The sex pervert jihadis raped teenage girls among the schoolchildren.
- Children were so thirsty they tried to drink their own urine.
- A boy who asked for water had a bayonet driven through his body.
- The jihadis repeatedly stabbed an 18-month-old baby.
- Raping for Allah at Beslan by Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, November 19, 2008.
- Terror at
Beslanby John Giduck (2006) says that:
- Some girls were raped in front of everyone, including small children.
- Some girls were raped with objects, including gun barrels.
- When The
Killers Come For The Kids by Ralph Peters
- “Slaughtering the innocents violates a universal human taboo. Or a nearly universal one. Those Muslims who preach Jihad against the West decided years ago that killing Jewish or Christian children is .. acceptable”
- Russia should join the War on Islamist Terror, and stop obstructing it: “the Kremlin will have learned to rue the day it imagined that there was anything to gain by opposing American efforts against terrorists”
- And so should Europe: “all Europeans with a vestige of sense will recognize that the school seizure in Russia could easily repeat itself in Languedoc or Umbria, Bavaria or Kent.”
- The martyr Yanis Kanidis, died protecting children from Islamist evil.
- Beslan was so horrific that there was actually some soul-searching in the Arab and Islamic world – which almost never engages in any self-criticism.
- No other word for it but slaughter – Mark Steyn on the inability of the media to describe who killed the children. The media call them “guerillas”, “Chechen separatists”, “hostage-takers”, “insurgents”. Islamists is the word they are looking for. Islamism explains the unbelievable cruelty of the killers. How can we possibly win this war if we cannot even name the enemy?
- Islamists have of course been shooting, setting on fire, and cutting the throats of babies, toddlers and children all over the world for decades. The Palestinians carried out a similar slaughter of children at a school in Maalot, Israel, in 1974.
- Shamil Basayev,
the Butcher of Beslan, is dead, July 2006. See details
and background.
- This comment sums up how I feel: “That is good news. BTW, IMHO, until they started bombing Moscow subways, apartment buildings, rock concerts and killing school children, of all the Muslims with “grievances”, the Chechens had perhaps the most legitimate. The Russians really were pretty savage with them. But it is hard to be sympathetic with people who got so tight with al Qaeda.”
- Russia is not America. Russia is not part of the free world. Chechens fighting for democracy against Russia I can support.
- But Basayev was not fighting for democracy. He was fighting for jihad, for the extermination of infidels and the oppression of Chechens under Islamic rule. He was fighting to enslave Chechnya, and every Chechen must be glad that he is dead.

The Islamist way of war:
The torture, bombing and shooting of naked children by Islamist savages at the school in Beslan, Russia, 2004.
Left: Picture credit Reuters.
Right: Picture credit Reuters.
These children were actually kept hostage by the Islamist savages, and were starved, raped and tortured, denied food and water in roasting hot conditions, with hundreds of others. It was like something from a Nazi concentration camp, with naked, frightened children being herded back and forth by heartless guards. Over 150 innocent children were tortured and killed, and hundreds of other children tortured and horribly injured, in one operation by the Chechen and foreign Islamists – in their heroic campaign to establish an Islamic fundamentalist fascist tyranny. The school in Beslan was a glimpse of the future – of the Auschwitz that Islamists will set up for infidels if they ever get the chance.
In total in Beslan, over 300 innocent men, women and children were tortured and killed by the Islamist savages – the worst terrorist killing since 9/11 – which was also carried out by Islamist savages.
The Beslan jihadis: Forcing, like Nazi guards, crying mothers to choose one child to live and one child to die.

Sophie is forced to choose which of her children will be gassed, in the movie Sophie’s Choice (1982).

Islamism is the modern Nazism and anyone who supports it is a Nazi.
Chechnya adopts sharia
Despite fighting the jihadists, Russia decided that Chechnya would adopt sharia anyway. What was the point of fighting it then?- Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechen President, is implementing sharia law under Russian rule.
- Human rights in Chechnya
- Sharia law in Chechnya. Looks like Shamil Basayev and the butchers of Beslan won after all.
αληθεια σου αρεσει ο πολεμος?